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Created with the end-user in mind, AviDocs EP seamlessly integrates your data as it is collected into convenient database for billing and quality management. AviDocs EP tracks procedure times, medication usage so that reports and billing can be completed before the patient leaves the procedure room...

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AviTrqacks-Coag is a web based system for monitoring and managing the use of Warfarin.  The application efficiently follows the patients through the managing cycle, documents each step along the way, and provides the necessary documentation to support the clinic’s operations...

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AviTracks-IMS is a web based system for monitoring and managing the use of Immunosuppressive Medications and Infusions.  The application efficiently follows the patients through the managing cycle, documents each step along the way, and provides the necessary documentation to support the clinic’s operations...

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AviTracks-HemOnc is a web based system for monitoring and managing patients undergoing cancer therapies.  The application efficiently follows the patients through the managing cycle, documents each step along the way, and provides the necessary documentation to support the clinic’s operations...
