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Cardiac electrophysiology, or EP, refers to the evaluation and treatment of the heart’s electrical system, and is one of the most rapidly growing areas in cardiovascular disease. Cardiac rhythm disorders result in more than 1.2 million hospitalizations and 400,000 deaths each year in the United States, and account for about 20% of all chronic heart conditions. AviDocs EP incorporates procedure documentation, professional and facility billing, and inventory management in a simple user-friendly interface.

Currently most EP procedures are documented on paper.  During the 3-6 hour operative procedure, several hundred data items are recorded on paper by a technician.  This data includes patient biometrics, procedure details, and most importantly, billing items like medication and equipment usage.  Once the procedure ends, this data is put into a report and sent off to medical records and billing.  This process is slow and inaccurate and significantly impacts time to billing.  It also provides opportunities for errors that result in missed revenue or delays in reimbursement due to non-compliance.

Created with the end-user in mind, AviDocs EP seamlessly integrates your data as it is collected into convenient database for billing and quality management. AviDocs EP tracks procedure times, medication usage so that reports and billing can be completed before the patient leaves the procedure room.

After implementation of Avicenna’s AviDocs EP system, organizations have seen dramatic improvements in charge capture and inventory control, saving millions of dollars annually. Organizations will be able to improve their billing turnaround from a common 3% of cases billed in 0-4 days to 98% of cases billed in 0-4 days. This improvement in turnaround could save a clinic hundred of thousand's annually. On top of the improvement to billing cycle time, additional revenues can be realized due to increased accuracy in tracking billed equipments and medications.

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For more information or if you would like a demo, please contact us!