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AviTracks-IMS is a web based system for monitoring and managing Immunosuppressive Medications and Infusions.  The application efficiently follows the patients through the managing cycle, documents each step along the way, and provides the necessary documentation to support the clinic’s operations 

AviTracks-IMS can be use by different  divisions (Rheumatology, Pulmonary, GI) to coordinate the care and follow patients taking immunosuppressive medications.  The application expedites lab results from patients, standardizes protocols, improves patient record keeping, and increase the efficiency of clinical operations.

Thanks to an interface with Quest Diagnostics the application can get laboratory results performed in Quest Labs automatically without the need for manual input.   Thus, avoiding possible human errors and freeing your staff to perform other tasks.

 AviTracks-IMS is highly configurable and can be easily adapted to your clinics' operation.


Screen Shots